Saturday, June 09, 2007

The rules of chessckers are simple as long as you understand both checkers and chess. Using a regulation chess/checker board, set up as shown above.Movement is very simple: all chess pieces move exactly as they would if one was playing chess.(i.e. Bishop diagonally, Rook up, down, left, or right, etc.) Also like in regulation, checker pieces move diagonally and, only if kinged, backwards diagonally. (To be kinged, a checker piece must move to the opposite side of the board.) You may not move your king into check. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Chessckers". This entry is a fragment of a larger work. Link may die if entry is finally removed or merged.
Although I never heard of Chessckers, it is a very interesting article.
The game is a very interesting idea. I'll have to find somebody to play it with, apart from my six-year-old daughter who's still learning.
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